I have had her roast before, made by her and it was fantastic. When she wrote a blog about how to make it I knew, that was going to be MY dinner one night this week. And so that night, was tonight.
So after the kids were gone I assembled my stuff needed to make my roast.
I bought the Sirloin Tip for mine just because it was the largest roast at the store I went to. My hopes were to have leftovers, so I could make Manhattans for dinner later in the week! That is a HUGE hunk o' Meat!
So first I had to sear my meat. Again... Searing. I hate it. BUT. Stephanie told me it had to be done. I burned myself, and I cursed her. :OP It is all her fault, I should have taken a photo of my wounds.
You keep whisking, and whisking, and whisking... untill your roux turns dark brown. I am not sure this was "dark" brown, but I was tired of whisking, it was early and I had only had half cup of coffee. I called it good.
You have your roast already put into the crock after being seared, and burning yourself, and then you cover it with this super yummy smelling gravy and some butter... cant go wrong with butter! Keep it on high, while you cut your potatoes and carrots.
Now I did not cut my carrots, I never do. I keep them whole and use the baby ones. I also used red potatoes, because its what I had on hand! It was hard adding them to the crock, I had SUCH a large roast, that it took up a good deal of space in the crock! So I had to fight to get my veggies down in the gravy. Maybe next time I should try a smaller roast? NAH!
So once that is finished, your pretty much done. Turn it to low and let her cook. All day. Do chores, go to work whatever. I am GLAD I did go to work, because being at home smelling this all day would have KILLED ME!!! When I came home it smelled like a chef had been working in my home while I was away!!! MMMMMMMM.
So turns out tonight was a fantastic night for a crock pot meal too. I had 2 choir things to go to, and lots to do. So once I got the kids home, settled, I opened the loaf of fresh made (storebought) french bread and spooned this out into bowls and called it dinner. I called it a FANTASTIC dinner.
awww you are welcome! I am glad you finally got some roast!