Friday, September 25, 2009

week 3, Second set for me!

 This week time around it was Heidi's turn to pick a chef and menu. I think she did a great job, aside from choosing a recipe with FIGS which I can find nowhere!!! I still have time, I will get that one made, eventually, although like the lemon bars, last time, I am not really looking forward to them...  Who knows right?

 So the Main course this week is: CHICKEN my hubbys favorite meat! The side dish, which again I chose to make at the same time as my  main course was ONIONS. Go figure I could not find Cipollini onions anywhere. I could not even find pearl. I found some small onions I thought were pearls eventually but upon ringing them up, she called them scallions, so I am unsure of what the heck I actually bought! Either way its what I got.

 So the chicken I was most excited about. I, unlike Tim, LOVE chicken, and I love to try it different ways! This chicken has a stuffing that adds the flavor for you.

  This is onions, thyme, salt, papper, and a lemon quartered up with some olive oil tossed around. Just that smelled great. I did not have fresh thyme, so I opted for the easier, dried variety!

After you have mixed the stuffing, you get your chicken all ready for baking. I like to rinse mine off, and then dry it with paper towels. Mine did not have any gizzards inside. I felt cheated!

 Once your chicken is prepared, you stuff it with your mixture, and you tie it up. I do not normally tie up my chickens, but because this recipe said to do it, I did it. Do not look at my picture as an idea for how to do it, because I more than likely did it the incorrect way. Oh and once its tied up and stuffed, you top it with BACON!!! You cant go wrong there!!!

 As you can see, I popped in the oven all excited, almost forgetting it needed its picture taken!!! I was maybe a bit hungry?

 SO once its cooked for a while 45 min I believe, you add your mushrooms. Oh my goodness. The aroma of the mushrooms cooking... Well you might drool! MMMMMM.

 Mine took much longer to bake than the recipe says. I probably had a bigger chicken, and I probably hung the door open too often wanting it to hurry.Either way, it smelled delisiouso and I had high hopes, but before I get to the end of that, I had to make the onions!!!

 So you put them into hot water, to get the skins to come off easily. This did not work for me, but then again I was using the wrong kind of onion, so that might be why! I had to cut the ends off most of them and peel and it was not easy (I might have cursed Heidi a bit) Once they are peeled, you toss them with the other ingredients. Once tossed add them to a pan and sizzle. MMMMM

Once they have sizzled a while you put them into the oven to cook, or caramelize. Like this They looked and smelled FANTASTIC! I think they were super pretty! The pan, however, was NOT fun to clean out. I may have said bad things about Hedi again, under my breath :OP

 So although during my shopping process, and my starving waiting for the chicken to be done which by the way looked pretty good when finished, although I think my bacon got a bit overdone

 The mushrooms were everyones favorite part (well except my 2 that dislike mushrooms) they tasted like the kind at the chineese buffet we often go to. MMMM. I will make it again, if nothing more than for the shrooms! Very good A++ for those, the chicken was moist, and had a nice flavor, but I mean it was nothing extrodinary to me, tasted like chicken, for the most part. The bacon did help it stay juicy though.

 The onions I liked the idea of the onions. I think had I used regular onions and cut them up, I would have liked it. The onions that I used, were very strong flavored in the middle. I did not so much care for them, but want to try it again, for sure, if I can ever find the correct onions!

 I served this dish along with my Rice pilaf recipe. I thought it was a great meal, and I am glad I had the chance to make it!!!

 check out the blogs of Heidi, Laurie and Steena to see how the recipes turned out using the right ingredients!

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